I was dragged up during the miserable, 3 day week, and blackout that was the 1970’s. My art is a document of my journey through the punk revolution, new wave hope and rave hedonism that followed. Each piece of art represents a moment on that ride, a pop song, a woman, an argument, a drunken night, a book, a friend, a fight. Each piece uses large scale, 3 dimensional sculpture and graphic symbolism to move mundane objects towards the beautiful so old Rizla packets and old cassettes become large graphic sculptures.
Immaculate Conception – Durex Pink
The Last Supper – Curlywurly
Eucharist – Doublemint
Eucharist – Juicy Fruit
Lust Hearts – Whip Me
Lust Hearts – Suck me
Lust Hearts – Fuck Me
Lust Hearts – Spank Me
Tomato Ketchup 3rd Edition
Mustard 2nd Edition
HP Sauce 2nd Edition
Crucifixion – Drumstick
David Bowie – Hero’s
Bitter Pill